I am

Collect Waifus

Collect AI-crafted waifus. Build a deck to duel.

Economy System

Collect coins and XP. Buy or sell items in the shop.

AI Recommender

Generate recommendations from 1-5 entered anime.

Search Anime

Search for anime, whether it is in english or romaji.

Alert News

Easy to set up automatic anime news alerts.

Fun Games

Play minigames and compete on the leaderboard.

Unique Waifus

Unique Waifus

Collect unique AI-crafted anime waifus. Teach 'em new moves, invest skill points, and engage in duels with other players using your three-card deck.

Economy System

Earn coins and XP by answering fun questions. Buy items from the shop, and if you change your mind later, you can even sell them from your inventory.

Economy System
AI/ML Powered Anime Recommendations


This bot is capable of generating personalized recommendations for multiple anime inputs and can work with anime lists such as MyAnimeList and AniList.

Lookup Anime

Search any anime from 20,000+ titles in the database. Get quick information like ratings, episodes, release date etc.

Search Anime
Latest & Trending Anime News

Trending News

You can search for anime news and filter them by any keyword. Additionally, you can receive automatic anime news alerts in any channel with a pretty easy setup.

Fun Minigames

Play fun single-player and multiplayer games and try to get into the top 10 leaderboard. You can even earn rewards by doing certain tasks.

Start Fun Anime Minigame